Friday, May 5, 2017

TOE week 36: Flawed Logic

Last week was a dog staring at a computer kind of week. This week was a dragging my face across the keyboard kind of week. 

A friend comment on my blog that I should add in a timer that prevents the player from attacking again to prevent the problem I was having with the User jamming on the attack button and getting stuck in the animation… Well I did that and nevertheless the problem persisted. (Long story short I actually did that wrong but at the time thought it was right.) 

I basically again spent most of my Wednesday trying to get this programming demon off of my back with no luck at all. I threw my hands up and said ‘fuck it’ and went to painting another title set because I was making no progress. It always seemed like this next new attempt would be the one. The one that killed the problem but nevertheless the target remained.

I also didn’t have a lot of time this week. Not an excuse more of a reality. So after fighting with this problem on four different days. I caved and asked my FaceBook unity group if I was handling melee attacks incorrectly in Unity. The response was basically silence. Then on Thursday night I asked the same question at stack exchange and also got basically silence… Cool…. #forEverAlone. Then this morning I realized why my time check was basically failing. Fixed it and now I have successfully plugged the hole. I mean it works correctly now, but only because I put a band aid over the problem not because I fixed it.  

Yay! I think. I have looked for a melee attack tutorial and I haven’t been able to find a lot. Basically this experience has made me think that the way I’m doing this is flawed. 

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