Friday, October 14, 2016

TOE week 19: No body asked for this.

                A day off? What is that? I try to think of this project as going to work but I can’t work on it every day. As much as I would like or not like to depending on the day. Sometimes it is really hard to work on this project when I am at home and could easily just piss off and do other things. Other times it is like, oh man I would really love to throw some code down at this exact moment but I have to feed my kid, or take him to baby class/ PT. I take my son to baby class and someone there gets him sick and the next two days are just a shit show. This then makes subsequent days into a wash. He is miserable I’m miserable and the last thing I want to do is type up my ‘producer e-mail’ that is this blog. 

                I was only really able to get in two days worth of work this week. It was a broken up two days but a solid level of work was done. I like the work I did for the most part but am disappointed with my time management. When I was actually paid to do this sort of thing I was really good at managing time. Game studios are ALWAYS running late but I never was. I had a producer tell me “I am aware that these dates I have given you are impossible but I have to have something in the calendar.” My response that I didn’t say was ‘challenge excepted’.  Not only did I meet that date but I was a week ahead of it, also I didn’t crunch for it either.  Contrast that with now. I can’t even make my imaginary dates. No one is asking for this thing I am making. 

                Whatever I have to go my son is hungry. Here is a thing I painted. 

Friday, October 7, 2016

TOE week 17 and 18: T is for Tower.

Last week I didn’t update because I didn’t really have anything new to show. I got a new Wacom tablet and spent some time getting used to it. I drew some pictures for possible backgrounds and there really wasn’t a lot to say. This week is really similar. Except I spent about three days coloring my scanned artwork. 

                Most of my previous weeks have been about me problem solving these past two week have been about painting. I guess the good news is that I have finally made it to painting! When I was in college I didn’t really like Wacom tablets. I couldn’t use them as well as I could a mouse. An illustrator came to my college and demoed his process and basically said ‘you can paint with a mouse if you like but it is like painting with a bar of soap’. 

                For this piece that I have been working on for the past few days, all of the landscape was done with my new tablet. The buildings were inked with the tablet but the coloring was done with a mouse. The tablet just was not precise enough for the geometric shapes. The organic shapes of the landscape the tablet works great. Inking the drawing the tablet was also great but shading the buildings not as good as a bar of soap. I don’t know maybe some of my art friends can give me some proper tips on why a bar of soap is subpar in this situation.

                Tower. TOE is an acronym for the title of my game. At the moment I’m keeping it a secret. The T in TOE is for Tower for reasons I think are rather obvious reflected below.