Friday, May 11, 2018

TOE week 59: Arrow Heavy and Failing the City

This week was a banner week for failure. I just kept hearing Oliver Queen saying “You have failed this city.” I took an arrow to the knee and took a knee. Honestly the weight of this project is heavy and I am just one person. In industry if you have a bad week chances are that your co workers did not and the project moves forward. Working by yourself when you have a bad week the project just stands still. 

Last week I worked on getting a reflection system working in the game. This was unsuccessful until it was successful. OR so I thought. I may have mentioned that the way I had it working only showed up in the editor window and it did not show up in the game window. This is important because the player would be unable to see my lazer in game. Last week I thought it would be a simple task of figuring out how to use Linerender to draw my lazer using the existing system that I set up last week. Turns out I was very wrong about this.

If I learned anything this week it was that I kind of hate Linerender. It is a head ache to set up if you want anything more complicated than drawing a line between two points. Over the weekend I fought to get Linerender to work with my system. No avail. On Monday I fought with Lineredner. No avail. On Tuesday I tried to just get a Raycast to draw instead of a Gizmo. Because the raycast system drew every frame it slowed the game down to a crawl. No avail. On Wednesday I gave up on it because I was just spinning my wheels. And on Thursday I just wallowed in my own failure. The old system that I had last week with all of its faults might have been the better way to go even though it didn’t even do the reflection part correctly.

In less depressing news I did set up Pro Builder in my game. Pro Builder is pretty awesome and probably more powerful than what I need but it works great for quickly making geometry and is faster than saving in blender and waiting the 20 seconds that Unity needs to update the 3D file. This was the height of my accomplishments this week. That and I changed my desktop background to say CODE, DRAW, UDEMY, UNITY. Basically the things I should be working on. 

Oh and the results are in a pretty picture will add 10 hits to your blog.

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